Futuristic Torch
by Tanmay Kulkarni

1 min read

Tech Stack

Futuristic Torch Stack

Futuristic Torch is a simple flashlight application having an aesthetically appealing user interface. Futuristic Torch is my attempt to build a design focused application which would be simple to function and easy to use.
During the development of the app, I focused on making the buttons big, bold and elegant. By following Google's design principles on material design and developing graphics from scratch using Adobe Photoshop Elements 10; Futuristic Torch brought the creative side out of me and lead me into deeper design thinking approach while building a product.

The final version of Futuristic Torch wouldn't have been possible without a special person - Lakshmi Pandit. Her unconditional efforts in making various design prototypes and awe-inspiring design, lead towards the final product which would consist of pastel colors and neon shades which made 'Futuristic Torch' futuristic.

Besides all this, Futuristic Torch was also made to experiment with monetization. This is my first and only android application that has adverts. Ads from Google AdMob and MobileCore are integrated into the app. This gave me a self-learning experience of incorporating advertisement network SDK's in an android app.

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Additional Information

Category - Tools
Average Rating - 4.8
Version No. - Version 2.0
Developer E-mail - iamtanmaykulkarni@gmail.com
Compatible Android Version - Android 2.3+
Installs - 100 - 500 downloads
IAP's - No in-app purchases
Coded With Love By Tanmay Kulkarni